
アヴァロン・ブックス (Avalon Books)

No. タイトル 著者 表紙 備考
1953 Flight Into Yesterday [ (未訳) ] Charles L. Harness Ric Binkley (Startling Stories, May 1949)
1953 Sentinels From Space [ 宇宙の監視 ] Eric Frank Russell Ric Binkley (Startling Stories, Nov. 1951, as "The Star Watchers")
1956 Star Ways [ 銀河よ永遠なれ ] Poul Anderson Ed Emshwiller
1956 Tomorrow's World [ 果てしなき明日 ] Hunt Collins (Evan H Ed Emshwiller (expanded from "Malice in Wonderland", If, Jan. 1954, as by Evan Hunter)
1956 The Secret People [ 超人集団 ] Raymond F. Jones Ed Emshwiller
1956 Three To Conquer [ 金星の尖兵 ] Eric Frank Russell Ed Emshwiller (Astounding Science Fiction Aug., Sept., & Oct. 1955, as Call Him Dead)
1956 Police Your Planet [ (未訳) ] Eric Van Lhin (Leste Ed Emshwiller (Name shown as Eric van Lihn on dust jacket) (Serialized in Science Fiction Adventures, Mar., May, J
1957 Conquest Of Earth  [ (未訳) ] Manly Banister Ric Binkley (serialized as "The Scarlet Saint", Amazing Stories, Jan. Feb., Mar., May 1956)
1957 Hidden World [ (未訳) ] Stanton A. Coblentz Ric Binkley (Serialized in Wonder Stories, Mar., Apr., & May 1935, as In Caverns Below)
1957 Solomon's Stone  [ (未訳) ] L. Sprague De Camp R1c Binkley (Unknown, June 1942)
1957 Across Time [ 百万年後の世界 ] David Grinnell (Dona Ed Emshwiller
1957 City On The Moon [ (未訳) ] Murray Leinster Ed Emshwiller
1957 The Infinite Brain [ (未訳) ] Charles R. Long Ed Emshwiller
1957 Wasp [ 特務指令<ワスプ> ] Eric Frank Russell Ric Binkley
1957 Troubled Star [ 太陽移動計画 ] George O. Smith Ric Binkley (Startling Stories', Feb. 1953)
1957 Alien Dust [ (未訳) ] E. C. Tubb Ed Emshwiller (Compiled from "Without Bugles", New Worlds Jan. 1952; "Home Is the Hero", New Worlds May 1952; Men
1957 Big Planet [ 大いなる惑星 ] Jack Vance Ed Emshwiller (Startling Stories Sept. 1952)
1957 Twice In Time [ ルネサンスへ飛んだ男 ] Manly Wade Wellman Ric Binkley . (Startling Stories, May 1940)
1958 The Blue Barbarians [ (未訳) ] Stanton A. Coblentz Ric Binkley (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Summer 1931)
1958 The Tower Of Zanid  [ (未訳) ] L. Sprague De Camp R1c Binkley (Serialized in Science Fiction Stories, May, June, July, & August 1958)
1958 Edge Of Time [ 時間の果て ] David Grinnell (Dona Ric Binkley /
1958 Starhaven [ (未訳) ] Ivar Jorgenson Ric Binkley (Expanded from "Thunder over Starhaven", Science Fiction Adventures, Oct. 1957)
1958 Out Of This World [ (未訳) ] Murray Leinster Ric Binkley (Revised from "The Gregory Circle", Thrilling Wonder Stories Apr. 1947; "The Nameless Something", Th
1958 Spaceways Satellite [ (未訳) ] Charles Eric Maine Ric Binkley
1958 Aliens From Space [ (未訳) ] David Osborne (Rober Ric Binkley
1958 Invisible Barriers [ (未訳) ] David Osborne (Rober Ric Binkley (If. Dec. 1957, as "And the Walls Came Tumbling Down" as by Robert Silverberg)
1958 Immortality Delivered [ 不死販売株式会社 ] Robert Sheckley Ric Binkley (Serialized in Galaxy, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1958 & Feb. 1959 as "Time Killer")
1958 Fire In The Heavens [ (未訳) ] George O. Smith Ric Binkley (Startling Stories, July 1949)
1958 The Languages Of Pao [ (未訳) ] Jack Vance Ric Binkley (Satellite Dec. 1957)
1958 The Space Egg [ (未訳) ] Russ Winterbotham Ric Binkley (Amazing Stories, March 1958)
1959 Virgin Planet  [ 処女惑星 ] Poul Anderson Ed Emshwiller (expanded from the novelette of the same name. Venture, January 1957)
1959 The Duplicated Man  [ (未訳) ] James Blish and Robe Ed Emshwiller (Dynamic Science Fiction, August 1953, as by James Blish and Michael Sherman)
1959 The Golden Ape  [ (未訳) ] Adam Chase (Paul W. Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Amazing Stories, Jan., Feb., & March 1957, as Quest of the Golden Ape as by Adam Chas
1959 Day Of The Giants  [ (未訳) ] Lester del Rey Ed Emshwiller (Name shown as Lester del Ray on dust jacket) ("When the World Tottered", Fantastic Adventures, Dec.
1959 The Martian Missile [ (未訳) ] David Grinnell (Dona Ed Emshwiller
1959 Encounter [ (未訳) ] J. Hunter Holly Ed Emshwiller
1959 The Sea People [ (未訳) ] Adam Lukens (Diane D Ed Emshwiller
1959 The Involuntary Immortals [ (未訳) ] Rog Phillips Ed Emshwiller (Fantastic Adventures, Dec. 1949)
1959 Lost In Space [ (未訳) ] George O. Smith Ed Emshwiller (Startling Stories, Fall 1954, as "Spacemen Lost")
1959 Robot Hunt [ (未訳) ] Roger Lee Vernon Ed Emshwiller
1959 The Dark Destroyers [ (未訳) ] Manly Wade Wellman Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Astounding Science Fiction, Dec. 1938 & Jan. 1939 as "Nuisance Value")
1959 Giants From Eternity [ (未訳) ] Manly Wade Wellman Ed Emshwiller (Startling Stories July 1939)
1960 The Peacemakers [ (未訳) ] Curtis W. Casewit Ed Emshwiller
1960 Next Door To The Sun [ (未訳) ] Stanton A. Coblentz Ed Emshwiller
1960 The Glory That Was [ (未訳) ] L. Sprague De Camp Ed Emshwiller (Introduction by Robert A. Heintein) (Startling Stories, Apr. 1952)
1960 Wall Of Serpents  [ 英雄たちの帰還 ] L. Sprague De Camp a Ed Emshwiller ("Wall of Serpents", Fantasy Fiction, June 1953, and "The Green Magician", Beyond #9, 1954)
1960 The Green Planet [ (未訳) ] J. Hunter Holly Ed Emshwiller
1960 Hunters Of Space [ (未訳) ] Joseph E. Kelleam Ed Emshwiller (Amazing Stories, May 1960)
1960 The Little Men [ (未訳) ] Joseph E. Kelleam Ed Emshwiller (Amazing Stories, Feb. 1959, as "Hunters Out of Time")
1960 The Swordsman Of Mars [ (未訳) ] Otis Adelbert Kline Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Argosy. Jan. 7, 14. 21. 28. Feb. 4 & 11. 1933)
1960 Conquest Of Life [ (未訳) ] Adam Lukens (Diane D Ed Emshwiller
1960 He Owned The World [ (未訳) ] Charles Eric Maine Ed Emshwiller
1960 Invaders From Rigel [ (未訳) ] Fletcher Pratt Ed Emshwiller (Wonder Stories Quarterly, Winter 1932, as "The Onslaught from Rigel")
1960 Lords Of Atlantis [ (未訳) ] Wallace West Ed Emshwiller
1961 The Rim Of Space [ (未訳) ] A. Bertram Chandler Ed Emshwiner
1961 The Runaway World [ (未訳) ] Stanton A. Coblentz Ed Emshwiller
1961 Destiny's,Orbit [ 運命号の冒険 ] David Grinnell (Dona Ed Emshwiller
1961 The Outlaws Of Mars [ (未訳) ] Otis Adelbert Kline Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Argosy, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9. 16, 23, 30, 1933. & Jan. 6. 1934)
1961 Planet Of Peril [ (未訳) ] Otis Adelbert Kline Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Argosy, July 20, 27, Aug. 3. 10. 17 & 24. 1929)
1961 Believers' World [ (未訳) ] Robert W. Lowndes Ed Emshwiller
1961 Sons Of The Wolf [ (未訳) ] Adam Lukens (Diane D Ed Emshwiller
1961 The Drums Of Tapajos [ (未訳) ] Colonel S. P. Meek Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Amazing Stories, Nov., Dec. 1930 & Jan. 1931)
1961 Troyana [ (未訳) ] Colonel S. P. Meek Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Amazing Stories, Feb.. Mar. & Apr. 1932)
1961 Collision Course [ 10万光年の迷路 ] Robert Silverberg Ed Emshwiller (Amazing Stories, July 1959)
1961 Island In The Sky [ (未訳) ] Manly Wade Wellman Ed Emshwiner (Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1941)
1961 The Memory Bank [ (未訳) ] Wallace West Ed Emshwiller
1962 The Search For Zei [ (未訳) ] L. Sprague De Camp Ed Emshwiller (The first half of "The Hand of Zei", serialized in Astounding Stories, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1950 & Jan.
1962 The Dark Planet [ (未訳) ] J. Hunter Holly Ed Emshwiller
1962 The Cybernetic Brains [ 合成怪物 ] Raymond F. Jones Ed Emshwiller (Startling Stories, Sept. 1950)
1962 Prince Of Peril [ (未訳) ] Otis Adelbert Kline Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Argosy. Aug. 2. 9, 16. 23. 30, and Sept. 6. 1930)
1962 Tam. Son Of The Tiger [ (未訳) ] Otis Adelbert Kline Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Weird Tales. June/July, Aug.. Sept., Oct., Nov., & Dec. 1931)
1962 The Glass Cage [ (未訳) ] Adam Lukens (Diane D Ed Emshwiller
1962 The World Within [ (未訳) ] Adam Lukens (Diane D Ed Emshwiller
1962 Armageddon 2419 A.d. [ (未訳) ] Philip Francis Nowla Ed Emshwiller ("Armageddon - 2419 A.D.", Amazing Stories, Aug. 1928, & "The Airlords of Han", Amazing Stories, Mar
1962 Alien Planet [ (未訳) ] Fletcher Pratt Ed Emshwiller (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1932, as "A Voice Across the Years", as by Fletcher Pratt and I.
1962 The Perfect Planet [ (未訳) ] Evelyn E. Smith Ed Emshwiller
1962 Outposts In Space [ (未訳) ] Wallace West Ed Emshwiller
1962 Walk Up The Sky [ (未訳) ] Robert Moore William Ed Emshwiller
1963 Bridge To Yesterday [ (未訳) ] E. L. Arch Ed Emshwiller
1963 Full Circle [ (未訳) ] Bruce Ariss Ed Emshwiller
1963 The Other World [ (未訳) ] J. Harvey Bond (Russ Ed Emshwiller
1963 The Hand Of Zei [ (未訳) ] L. Sprague De Camp Ed Emshwiher (The second half of "The Hand of Zei", serialized in Astounding Stories, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1950 & Jan
1963 The Star Men [ (未訳) ] Oscar J. Friend Ed Emshwitler
1963 The Gray Aliens [ (未訳) ] J. Hunter Holly Ed Emshwiller
1963 Three Steps Spaceward [ (未訳) ] Frank Belknap Long Ed Emshwiller
1963 Alien World [ (未訳) ] Adam Lukens (Diane D Ed Emshwiller
1963 Eevalu [ (未訳) ] Adam Lukens (Diane D Ed Emshwiller
1963 The Atom Conspiracy [ (未訳) ] Jeff Sutton Ed Emshwiller
1963 River Of Time [ (未訳) ] Wallace West Ed Emshwiller
1963 The Men From Arcturus [ (未訳) ] Russ Winterbotham Ed Emshwiller
1964 The Deathstones [ (未訳) ] E. L. Arch Ed Emshwiller
1964 Planet Of Death [ (未訳) ] E. L. Arch Ed Emshwiller
1964 Glory Planet [ (未訳) ] A. Bertram Chandler Ed Emshwiller
1964 The Lizard Lords [ (未訳) ] Stanton A. Coblentz Gray Morrow
1964 The Moon People [ (未訳) ] Stanton A. Coblentz Ed Emshwiller
1964 The Exile Of Time [ (未訳) ] Ray Cummings Ed Emshwiller (Serialized in Astounding Stories, Apr., May, June & July 1931)
1964 Darkness And Dawn [ (未訳) ] George Allan England Gray Morrow Darkness and Dawn in four 4 parts beginning in Jan. 1912, in Cavalier;
1964 The Eternal Man [ (未訳) ] Charles R. Long Ed Emshwiller
1964 The Martian Visitors [ (未訳) ] Frank Belknap Long Ed Emshwiller
1964 Mission To A Star [ (未訳) ] Frank Belknap Long Ed Emshwiller (Satellite, Feb. 1958, as Mission to a Distant Star)
1964 The Time-Lockers [ (未訳) ] Wallace West Ed Emshwiller (Science Fiction Quarterly, August 1956)
1964 The Puppet Planet [ (未訳) ] Russ Winterbotham Ed Emshwiller
1965 The First Immortals [ (未訳) ] E. L. Arch Gray Morrow
1965 Enslaved Brains  [ (未訳) ] Eando Binder Gray Morrow (serialized under same title. Wonder Stories, July, August September 1934)
1965 Explorers Into Infinity [ (未訳) ] Ray Cummings Gray Morrow (Serialized as "Explorers into Infinity", Weird Tales, Apr., May & June 1927, and The Giant World, W
1965 Beyond The Great Oblivion [ (未訳) ] George Allan England Gray Morrow DARKNESS AND DAWN trilogy, originally serialized as
1965 The Mouthpiece Of Zitu [ (未訳) ] J. U. Giesy Gray Morrow (Serialized in All-Story Weekly, July 5, 12, 19, 26, & Aug. 2, 1919)
1965 Palos Of The Dog Star Pack [ (未訳) ] J. U. Giesy Gray Morrow (Serialized in All-Story Weekly, July 13, 20. 27, August 3 & 10, 1918)
1965 The Dark Enemy [ (未訳) ] J. Hunter Holly Gray Morrow
1965 The Hothouse World [ (未訳) ] Fred Macisaac Gray Morrow (Serialized in Argosy, Feb. 21, 28, Mar. 7, 14. 21 & 28, 1931)
1965 The Forgotten Planet [ (未訳) ] George Henry Smith Gray Morrow
1965 Polaris - Of The Snows [ (未訳) ] Charles B. Stilson Gray Morrow (Serialized in Alt-Story Weekly, Dec. 18, 25, 1915 & Jan. 1, 1916)
1966 The Double-Minded Man [ (未訳) ] E. L. Arch Gray Morrow
1966 Lord Of Tranerica [ (未訳) ] Stanton A. Coblentz Gray Morrow (Dynamic Science Fiction, February 1939)
1966 The People Of The Abyss [ (未訳) ] George Allan England Gray Morrow and The Afterglow, Cavalier June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, & 19, 1913)
1966 Jason, Son Of Jason [ (未訳) ] J. U. Giesy Gray Morrow (Serialized in Argosy, Apr. 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14 & 21, 1921)
1966 The Time Chariot [ (未訳) ] T. Earl Hickey Gray Morrow
1966 The Mind Traders [ (未訳) ] J. Hunter Holly Gray Morrow
1966 When The Red King Woke [ (未訳) ] Joseph E. Kelleam Gray Morrow
1966 Claimed [ (未訳) ] Francis Stevens Gray Morrow (Serialized in Argosy, Mar. 6, 13 & 20, 1920)
1966 Minos Of Sardanes [ (未訳) ] Charles B. Stilson Gray Morrow (Serialized in All-StoryWeekly, Aug. 12, 19 & 26, 1916)
1966 The Lord Of Nardos [ (未訳) ] Russ Winterbotham Gray Morrow
1967 The Man With Three Eyes [ (未訳) ] E. L. Arch Gray Morrow
1967 The Crimson Capsule [ (未訳) ] Stanton A. Coblentz Michael M. Peters
1967 The Insect Invasion [ (未訳) ] Ray Cummings Michael M. Peters (Serialized in Argosy, Apr. 16, Apr. 23, Apr. 30, May 7, and May 14, 1932)
1967 The Afterglow [ (未訳) ] George Allan England Michael M. Peters (The above five books are Aval on's splitting of the
1967 Out Of The Abyss [ (未訳) ] George Allan England Michael M. Peters Beyond the Great Oblivion, Cavalier Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25, Feb. 1, & 8, 1913;
1967 Destination: Saturn [ (未訳) ] David Grinnell (Dona Michael M. Peters
1967 Doomed Planet [ (未訳) ] Lee Sheldon Gray Morrow
1967 Druids' World [ (未訳) ] George Henry Smith Michael M. Peters
1967 Out Of The Void [ (未訳) ] Leslie F. Stone Michael M. Peters (Serialized in Amazing Stories, Aug. & Sept. 1929)
1967 The Everlasting Exiles [ (未訳) ] Wallace West Michael M. Peters (Future, Jan. 1951)
1968 The Day The World Stopped [ (未訳) ] Stanton A. Coblentz Michael M. Peters
1968 The Return Of The Starships [ (未訳) ] Jorge De Reyna Ed Emshwiller
1968 Planet Of Fear [ (未訳) ] Diane Detzer Gray Morrow
1968 The Time Of The Hedrons [ (未訳) ] Jack Dennis Eckstrom Gray Morrow
1968 The Stars Will Wait [ (未訳) ] Henry L. Hasse Michael M. Peters
1968 Polaris And The Immortals [ (未訳) ] Charles B. Stilson Gray Morrow (Serialized in All-Story Weekly, Sept. 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6 & 13, 1917, as Polaris and the Goddess Glo