
ダブルデイ (Doubleday) SFシリーズ
ダブルデイ社は1897年に設立されたダブルデイ&マックルーア社が起源で、その後いろいろな人の手を渡って、現在でもクノップ-ダブルデイ出版グループとして残っている。ダブルデイ社がSFに力を入れ始めたのは1949年からで、当時全米で最大規模の出版社であった。SFのマークを表紙とタイトルページに入れて、有名作家の本を定期的に出し、1950年代のSF出版の中心的存在であった。1963年ころから、SFマークはなくなり、単にDoubleday Science Fictionの表記だけになったが、これはSF自体が多様化したり、マークを付けて強調する必要がなくるほど出版ジャンルとして定着した為だろうと思う。 マークというのはコレクターの心をそそるもので、マーク付きのものを全部揃えたいなどという気になってしまう。但しそれなりの部数は発行された筈なのに、初版本はかなり高価で、特にアシモフやハインラインなどの人気作家のものは飛びぬけているので、手に入れるのは難しい(お金さえあれば、手に入ります)。

No. タイトル 著者 表紙 備考
1949 The Big Eye [ 巨眼(730日の恐怖) ] Max Ehrlich George Giusti
1950 Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman [ 宇宙人ビッグスの冒険 ] Nelson Bond
1950 Needle [ 20億の針 ] Hal Clement Paul Galdone
1950 Pebble In The Sky [ 宇宙の小石 ] Isaac Asimov Richrd M. Powers
1950 Shadow On The Hearth [ (未訳) ] Judith Merril Edward Kasper
1950 The Martian Chronicles [ 火星年代記(火星人記録) ] Ray Bradbury Arthur Lidov
1950 Waldo And Magic, Inc. [ 魔法株式会社 ] Robert A. Heinlein Beecher
1951 Double In Space [ (未訳) ] Fletcher Pratt Richrd M. Powers
1951 Fancies And Goodnights [ (未訳) ] John Collier Margot Tomes
1951 Rogue Queen [ (未訳) ] L. Sprague De Camp Richrd M. Powers
1951 Solution T-25 [ (未訳) ] Theodora Du Bois Richard M. Powers
1951 The Day Of The Triffids [ トリフィドの日(トリフィド時代) ] John Wyndham Whitney Bender
1951 The House Of Many Worlds [ 多元宇宙の家 ] Sam Merwin, Jr. Richard M. Powers
1951 The Illustrated Man [ 刺青の男 ] Ray Bradbury Sydney Butchkes
1951 The Puppet Masters [ 人形つかい ] Robert A. Heinlein
1951 The Stars Like Dust [ 暗黒星雲のかなたに ] Isaac Asimov Whitney Bender
1952 Double Jeopardy [ (未訳) ] Fletcher Pratt Whitney Bender
1952 Takeoff [ (未訳) ] C. M. Kornbluth Arthur Shilstone
1952 The Currents Of Space [ 宇宙気流(惑星フロリナの悲劇) ] Isaac Asimov George Giusti
1952 Tomorrow, The Stars [ (未訳) ] Robert A. Heinlein ( Richard M. Powers
1953 The Golden Apples Of The Sun [ 太陽の黄金の林檎 ] Ray Bradbury Joe Mugnaini
1953 The Syndic [ シンディック ] C. M. Kornbluth Paul Galdone
1953 The White Widows [ (未訳) ] Sam Merwin, Jr. Daniel Schwartz
1953 West Of The Sun [ (未訳) ] Edgar Pangborn Richard M. Powers
1953 World Out Of Mind [ (未訳) ] J. T. Mcintosh Richard M. Powers
1954 A Mirror For Observers [ 観察者の鏡 ] Edgar Pangborn Daniel Schwartz
1954 Born Leader [ (未訳) ] J. T. Mcintosh Richard Powers
1954 Mission Of Gravity [ 重力の使命(重力への挑戦) ] Hal Clement Joe Mugnaini
1954 One In Three Hundred [ 300:1 ] J. T. Mcintosh Mel Hunter
1954 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 3rd Seri [ (未訳) ] Anthony Boucher And Chesley Bonestell
1954 The Caves Of Steel [ 鋼鉄都市 ] Isaac Asimov Ruth Ray
1954 The Sinister Researches Of C. P. Ransom [ (未訳) ] H. Nearing, Jr. Edward Gorey
1955 Not This August [ クリスマス・イブ ] C. M. Kornbluth Mel Hunter
1955 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 4th Seri [ (未訳) ] Anthony Boucher (ed) Mel Hunter
1955 The End Of Eternity [ 永遠の終り ] Isaac Asimov Mel Hunter
1955 The Fittest [ (未訳) ] J. T. Mcintosh Mel Hunter
1955 The Long Tomorrow [ 長い明日 ] Leigh Brackett Irv Doktor
1955 The Martian Way And Other Stories [ 火星人の方法 ] Isaac Asimov Richard Shelton
1956 Double Star [ 太陽系帝国の危機(ダブル・スター) ] Robert A. Heinlein Mel Hunter
1956 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 5th Seri [ (未訳) ] Anthony Boucher (ed) Lowell Hess
1956 The Dragon In The Sea [ 21世紀潜水艦 ] Frank Herbert Mel Hunter
1957 Doomsday Morning [ 新世界の黎明 ] C. L. Moore Ruth Ray
1957 Earth Is Room Enough [ 地球は空地でいっぱい ] Isaac Asimov Tony Palladino
1957 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 6th Seri [ (未訳) ] Anthony Boucher (ed) Dick Shelton
1957 The Door Into Summer [ 夏への扉 ] Robert A. Heinlein Mel Hunter
1957 The Naked Sun [ 裸の太陽(はだかの太陽) ] Isaac Asimov Ruth Ray
1957 The Winds Of Time [ 時の風 ] Chad Oliver Dick Shelton
1958 A Mile Beyond The Moon [ (未訳) ] C. M. Kornbluth Remy Charlip
1958 A Touch Of Strange [ 奇妙な触合い ] Theodore Sturgeon Joe Mugnaini
1958 Five Galaxy Short Novels [ (未訳) ] H. L. Gold (ed) Ed Emshwiller
1958 No Place On Earth [ この地球のどこにも ] Louis Charbonneau Joe Mugnaini
1958 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 7th Seri [ (未訳) ] Anthony Boucher (ed) Edward Valigursky
1958 The Third Galaxy Reader [ (未訳) ] H. L. Gold (ed) Arthur Renshaw
1959 A Medicine For Melancholy [ メランコリイの妙薬 ] Ray Bradbury Joe Mugnaini
1959 A Treasury Of Great Science Fiction [ (未訳) ] Anthony Boucher (ed) Sydney Butchkes
1959 Nine Tomorrows [ 停滞空間 ] Isaac Asimov Richard M. Powers
1959 Not In Solitude [ (未訳) ] Kenneth F. Gantz Paul Galdone
1959 Science Fiction Showcase [ (未訳) ] Mary Kornbluth (ed) Richard M. Powers
1959 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 8th Seri [ (未訳) ] Anthony Boucher (ed) Arthur Renshaw
1959 The Fourth Galaxy Reader [ (未訳) ] H. L. Gold (ed) Arthur Renshaw
1959 The World That Couldn't Be And Eight Other Novelet [ (未訳) ] H. L. Gold (ed) Karel Kezer
1960 A Decade Of Fantasy And Science Fiction [ (未訳) ] Robert P. Mills (ed) Mel Hunter
1960 Body Guard And Four Other Short Novels From Galaxy [ (未訳) ] H. L. Gold (ed) Ed Emshwiller
1960 Eight Keys To Eden [ (未訳) ] Mark Clifton Karel Kezer
1960 Star Of Stars [ (未訳) ] Frederik Pohl (ed) Eric Carle
1960 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 9th Seri [ (未訳) ] Robert P. Mills (ed) Herb Mott
1960 The High Crusade [ 天翔ける十字軍 ] Poul Anderson Harry Schaare
1961 Facial Justice [ (未訳) ] L. P. Hartley Vera Bock
1961 Mind Partner And Eight Other Novelets From Galaxy [ (未訳) ] H. L. Gold (ed) Mel Hunter
1961 Pilgrimage: The Book Of The People [ 果てしなき旅路 ] Zenna Henderson
1961 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 10th Ser [ (未訳) ] Robert P. Mills (ed) Mel Hunter
1961 The Fifth Galaxy Reader [ (未訳) ] H. L. Gold (ed) Arthur Renshaw
1961 Three Hearts And Three Lions [ 魔界の紋章 ] Poul Anderson Edward Gorey
1961 Time Is The Simplest Thing [ (未訳) ] Clifford D. Simak Mel Hunter
1961 Triangle [ 宇宙気流,宇宙の小石,暗黒星雲のかなたに ] Isaac Asimov Alex Gotfryd オムニバス:"The Currents of Space","Pebble in the Sky","The Stars, Like Dust"
1962 All The Traps Of Earth [ (未訳) ] Clifford D. Simak Lawrence Ratzkin
1962 The Expert Dreamers [ (未訳) ] Frederik Pohl (ed) Sigrid Spaeth
1962 Foundation [ ファウンデーション ] Isaac Asimov
1962 Foundation And Empire [ ファウンデーション対帝国 ] Isaac Asimov
1962 I, Robot [ われはロボット ] Isaac Asimov Johannes Regn
1962 Necromancer [ ドルセイへの道 ] Gordon R. Dickson Wally Littman
1962 Prologue To Analog [ (未訳) ] John W. Campbell, Jr Ben Robinson
1962 R Is For Rocket [ ウは宇宙船のウ ] Ray Bradbury Joe Muganini
1962 Second Foundation [ 第二ファウンデーション ] Isaac Asimov
1962 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 11th Ser [ (未訳) ] Robert P. Mills (ed) R. M. Zimmerman
1962 The Hugo Winners [ ヒューゴー賞傑作集 ] Isaac Asimov (ed) Photo By Frank Stork
1962 The Sixth Galaxy Reader [ (未訳) ] H. L. Gold (ed) Roger Zimmerman
1962 They Walked Like Men [ (未訳) ] Clifford D. Simak Lawrence Ratzkin
1962 Time Waits For Winthrop And Four Other Short Novel [ (未訳) ] Frederik Pohl (ed) Roger Zimmerman
1962 Unwise Child [ (未訳) ] Randall Garrett Richard M. Powers
1962 When They Come From Space [ (未訳) ] Mark Clifton Charles Slackman
1963 A Gun For Dinosaur [ (未訳) ] L. Sprague De Camp Gilda Kuhlman
1963 All The Colors Of Darkness [ 暗黒のすべての色 ] Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Alex Gotfryd
1963 Analog 1 [ (未訳) ] John W. Campbell, Jr Hiram Ash
1963 Anything You Can Do [ 銀河の間隙より ] Darrel T. Langert Patricia Saville
1963 The Foundation Trilogy [ ファウンデーション、ファウンデーション対帝国、第二ファウンデーション ] Isaac Asimov オムニバス:"Foundation","Foundation and Empire","Second Foundation"
1963 The Beast [ 月のネアンデルタール人 ] A. E. Van Vogt Howard Burns
1963 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 12th Ser [ (未訳) ] Avram Davidson (ed) Roger Zimmerman
1963 Triumph [ 勝利 ] Philip Wylie J. J. Suplina
1963 Way Station [ 中継ステーション ] Clifford D. Simak Ronald Fratell
1964 Analog 2 [ (未訳) ] John W. Campbell, Jr Lawrence Ratzkin
1964 Beyond The Barrier [ (未訳) ] Damon Knight Tom Chibbaro
1964 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 13th Ser [ (未訳) ] Avram Davidson (ed)
1964 The Post Reader Of Fantasy And Science Fiction [ (未訳) ] Merle James
1964 The Rest Of The Robots [ ロボットの時代 ] Isaac Asimov
1964 The Seventh Galaxy Reader [ (未訳) ] Frederik Pohl (ed) Roger Zimmerman
1964 Time And Stars [ (未訳) ] Poul Anderson Thomas Chibbaro
1964 Trader To The Stars [ (未訳) ] Poul Anderson Tom Chibbaro
1964 No Future In It [ (未訳) ] John Brunner Tom Chibbaro
1965 Analog 3 [ (未訳) ] John W. Campbell, Jr Lawrence Ratzkin
1965 Galactic Diplomat [ 銀河のさすらいびと ] Keith Laumer Ellen Raskin
1965 Rogue Ship [ 目的地アルファ・ケンタウリ ] A. E. Van Vogt Peter Rauch
1965 The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction 14th Ser [ (未訳) ] Avram Davidson (ed) Tom Chibbaro
1965 Bill The Galactic Hero [ 宇宙兵ブルース ] Harry Harrison Larry Lurin
1965 Sleeping Planet [ (未訳) ] William R. Burkett
1965 The Anything Box [ (未訳) ] Zenna Henderson Tom Chibbaro
1965 The Dark Side [ (未訳) ] Damon Knight
1965 The Drowned World & The Wind From Nowhere [ 沈んだ世界、狂風世界 ] J. G. Ballard Tom Chibbaro
1965 The Eighth Galaxy Reader [ (未訳) ] Frederik Pohl (ed) Tom Chibbaro
1965 The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch [ パーマー・エルドリッチの三つの聖痕 ] Philip K. Dick Tom Chibbaro
1965 Three By Heinlein [ 人形つかい、軌道の天才、魔法株式会社 ] Robert A. Heinlein Donald Crews And Ann Crews
1965 The Star Fox [ (未訳) ] Poul Anderson Johannes Regn
1965 Plague From Space [ (未訳) ] Harry Harrison Tom Chibbaro
1965 The Corridors Of Time [ 時の歩廊 ] Poul Anderson Tom Chibbaro
1965 A Man Of Double Deed [ (未訳) ] Leonard Daventry
1965 All Flesh Is Grass [ (未訳) ] Clifford D. Simak Emanuel Schongut
1965 The Fury Out Of Time [ (未訳) ] Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Tom Chibbaro